HTML Tags for Java Applets, circa 1999
In 1999, I took a class in Java at Santa Monica College. I was interested at the time in the small variations among how The W3C, Sun, Netscape, and Microsoft specified the <APPLET> tag.
So here are how each specified the tag in 1999, minus the formatting of the original pages:
W3C - HTML 3.2 | W3C - HTML 4.0 | Microsoft | Netscape | Sun APPLET Element | APPLET Object Places executable content on the page. HTML Syntax <APPLET ALIGN=ABSBOTTOM | ABSMIDDLE | BASELINE | BOTTOM | LEFT | MIDDLE | RIGHT | TEXTTOP | TOP ALT=text CLASS=classname CODE=filename CODEBASE=url DATAFLD=colname DATASRC=#ID HEIGHT=n HSPACE=n ID=value NAME=name SRC=url STYLE=css1-properties TITLE=text VSPACE=n WIDTH=n event = script > Remarks This element is a block element. Members APPLET Members Styles APPLET Styles