Multiple, Hierarchical SelectBoxes

No documentation here, other that the comments in the source. It's the typical multiple select box thing. There is probably a much better way to do this. This is my way.


    <form name="PlaceHold" action="./">

        <select name="foo" size="5"
            <option>Choose One...</option>
            <option value="1">red</option>
            <option value="2">green</option>
            <option value="3">blue</option>

        <select name="bar" size="5" onchange="changeSecondSelect('PlaceHold','bar','splorch');">
            <option>Choose One...</option>
            <option value="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>

        <select name="splorch" size="5">
            <option>Choose One...</option>
            <option value="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>

Source Code

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function changeSecondSelect(formName,firstSelect,secondSelect) {
//make the first value in the second select selected
//	document [formName] [secondSelect].selectedIndex=0;
// delete all the options in the second select BUT the first one
		document [formName] [secondSelect].options[1] = null;
// create the arrays which will hold the information
// to populate the second select
	var plopValues = new Array (0);
	var plopWords  = new Array (0);
	plopValues.length = 0;
	plopWords.length = 0;
// the syntax for the value selected in the first select is ugly, so we
// put it in a temp variable
	var firstSelectValue = document [formName] [firstSelect].options[document [formName][firstSelect].selectedIndex].value;
// each linked select pair will need a set of if/thens.
// if ((firstSelectValue =="#value of the first select#") && (secondSelect == '#variable name of the Second Select#')) {
// # this array is the values keyed to the value of the first select#
//	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
// # this array is the human readable value of the possibilites#
//	var plopWords  = new Array ('Blood','Wine','Pasta Sauce');
// };

if ((firstSelectValue =="1") && (secondSelect == 'bar')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('kickball','rose','heart');

if ((firstSelectValue =="2") && (secondSelect == 'bar')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('4','5','6');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('grass','leaves','mold');

if ((firstSelectValue =="3") && (secondSelect == 'bar')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('7','8','9');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('the sky','the ocean','smurfs');

if ((firstSelectValue =="1") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('kicking','throwing','bouncing');

if ((firstSelectValue =="2") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('smelling','appreciating','trimming');

if ((firstSelectValue =="3") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('beating','pumping');

if ((firstSelectValue =="4") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('smelling','mowing','weedwhacking');

if ((firstSelectValue =="5") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('raking','tracing');

if ((firstSelectValue =="6") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('disinfecting');
if ((firstSelectValue =="7") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('falling','crying');

if ((firstSelectValue =="8") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('rising','blue','salty');

if ((firstSelectValue =="9") && (secondSelect == 'splorch')) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('1','2','3');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('blue','papa','lady');

// if we didn't get a real value, then we show an error message
// in the second select
if (firstSelectValue == "")
	{	var plopValues = new Array ('','','');
		var plopWords  = new Array (' * Please','   make a','   choice.'); };
// now the array that was set cascades into the second select
for (var i=0;i<plopWords.length;i++)
	{	var optionAtor=new Option(plopWords[i],plopValues[i])

function clearSelect(formName,whichOnes) {
	var plopValues = new Array ('','','');
	var plopWords  = new Array ('','','');
	for (var i=0;i<plopWords.length;i++)
			var optionAtor=new Option(plopWords[i],plopValues[i])