Created February 4, 2004

Giving Users A Preference Widget for Opening New Windows

What brought that on?

I put up a new professional site for myself at and decided since I wanted people to visit several of those links, and stay on the page, I would target them to "_blank", spawning new windows. I thought this was kind of a good thing, despite it being a no no I know about -- one person suggested I look at #2 of The Top Ten New Mistakes of Web Design, 1999: Opening New Browser Windows. But I'm obstinate, and knew that I liked it, and so did many of my visitors.

Rather than deciding one way or another, because for me, and for some of my users, I wanted the option -- I decided to give the users a preference setting.

Here's the php page that sets the cookie: I call it "windowcookie.php" and put it at the site root.


time() + 31536000;

// did we set a parameter? set the setting
if ($_GET['new_window'] == "1") {
} else if (
$_GET['new_window'] == "0") {
} else {

// bounce us back from whence we came
header('Location: ' $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);


I put this on the header of the page:

 * If they want new windows, give it to them!
 * php version 7.2
 * @category PHP
 * @package  User_Preference_For_New_Windows
 * @author   Joe Crawford <>
 * @license  GPL 2.0+ -
 * @version  GIT: $Id$
 * @link
 * @since    2024-12-03
if ($_COOKIE['new_window'] == "1") {
    <base target="_blank"/><?php
} else {
// otherwise, default to the same window
    <base target="_self"/><?php

And this is the PHP code in-line on the page to let people see and change the setting:

    Your link preference:
     * If they want new windows, give it to them!
     * php version 7.2
     * @category PHP
     * @package  User_Preference_For_New_Windows
     * @author   Joe Crawford <>
     * @license  GPL 2.0+ -
     * @version  GIT: $Id$
     * @link
     * @since    2024-12-03

if ($_COOKIE['new_window'] == "1") {
?><a href="/windowcookie.php?new_window=0"
             onmouseover="if(document.getElementById)this.innerHTML='change this setting';"
             onmouseout="if(document.getElementById)this.innerHTML='links open in new windows';"
             target="_self">links open in new windows</a><?php
} else {
// otherwise, default to the same window
?><a href="/windowcookie.php?new_window=1"
             onmouseover="if(document.getElementById)this.innerHTML='change this setting';"
             onmouseout="if(document.getElementById)this.innerHTML='links open in this window';"
             target="_self">links open in this window</a><?php

I hope this has been helpful. Send a comment or a suggestion.

- Joe Crawford