Goal of 50!
Server Side Image Map
Invisible Unspiderable Link
1 webmention
:root Color Properties Editor (Bookmarklet)
Quote to DL (Definition List)
Mozilla CSS Extensions
2 webmentions
Quick Overlay
Make an RTF Document with PHP
1 webmention
Canvas HTML Render Download not working
plusplus (++) a string in php
CSS3 Smiley in Color
1 webmention
The Lab
20 webmentions
Six Finger AI Hand (as Slack Emoji)
Spoiler Widget
1 webmention
Speech Synthesis
Keystroke to Go to Random Web Page
What to do with a directory of images that are letters?
Compare Two URLs
What CSS class names are semantically meaningful?
MathML Test Page
1 webmention
2 webmentions
Clock Concept (1998-2024)
Blogging Bot (Markov Chains are Hilarious)
Font Awesome 4.6.3 Class Explorer (version 4.6.3)
1 webmention
My first VBScript Test Class
Extract Domain Names from a list of email addresses
Miscellaneous Web Files
1 webmention
ColdFusion: Force Download of File
In ASP, Response.End is like exit() in PHP
selectBox function in Traditional ASP
In VBScript, It's always "Elseif" and never "Else If"
syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
Call the native version of a VBScript object
Sample Uploader Code
Buttony Button
Big Buttony Buttons on Buttons
Outbound Link Confirmation
1 webmention
Compared Mobile Screen Resolutions (old)
JavaScript: navigator.language
Countdown in to the first of the month in PHP
Countdown to a time of the day every day (PHP)
First Child Last Child Demonstration
Single Pixel Gif as a base 64 encoded string
Listen for Key Presses on a Web Page
Show all SQL Server Collations
Vaguely Interesting Layout
ArtLung Notes (Experimental, 2010)
window.webkitNotifications support
Museum Notes (2010)
Screenshots of an installation of BlueDragon 7.1 for the Microsoft .NET Framework
What's in the Navigator object?
Open Graph Protocol Tools WordPress plugin
Generate All Websafe Colors with PHP
What is the way to access IFrame's element using Prototype $ method?
Artlung Rosetta: Comparing dojo, Ext, Glow, jQuery, MooTools & Prototype
1 webmention
Circles Crawl and you click them (jQuery)
Generate a Random String!
MM_validateForm() and MM_findObj() functions
20 Random Alphanumeric Passwords
This page calls an iframe which calls itself. The question, is what happens?
isEmail() aka is_email() in PHP
Larger Checkbox with CSS
1 webmention
CSS workaround for external link with small icon (2007)
Code to make a page that refresh to itself
Dropdown Navigation in Frames
Robots-Nocontent (2008)
HTTP_HOST environment variable in PHP
jQuery Basics (barcampla6)
Multiple, Hierarchical SelectBoxes, version 2
Killer Bookmarklets I have Come Across
1 webmention
Navigation Function (in PHP and ASP)
Changing the spacing between paragraphs
Change Form Input Direction
2 webmentions
Gettysburg Address in HTML Buttons
1 webmention
Permutations of a set of characters
background images in form elements
1 webmention
Fun Detagger Script
1 webmention
Demonstration of oncontextmenu
2 webmentions
ASP: CDONTS snippet
Copy to Clipboard JavaScript
Make a Unique ID in PHP
1 webmention
Super Simple Countdown in PHP.
1 webmention
Generic Validator
iTunes Error: The iTunes Music Library file cannot be read because it does not appear to be a valid library file
3 webmentions
Dropdown Navigation
2 webmentions
CSS Blur Example
Giving Users A Preference Widget for Opening New Windows
1 webmention
Simple example connecting to a remote server
Image Hover
Batch File Rename By File Extension in Unix
1 webmention
slideshow plus! cleaner slideshow which can also move forward automatically
Ways to break a lock on an Access Database with Cold Fusion
1 webmention
ColdFusion TitleCase Function
1 webmention
SlideShow Implementation
50 U.S. States Dropdown Box HTML Code Snippets
1 webmention
Form action mailto: stinks
1 webmention
Changing the color of a form element when it's blank
3 webmentions
How Powerful is CSS?
1 webmention
How do I validate a form when the form has an image as submit?
Undocumented Linklint JavaScript Feature
1 webmention
2 webmentions
border-style Experiment
1 webmention
camelCase <-> selector-case w/o Regex
1 webmention
JavaScript Date Formatting Demo
Dropdown Navigation Where Only Some Links Open New Windows
2 webmentions
Compare two fields, Submit only if they are the same:
AutoMagic Gallery Listing
2 webmentions
WS_FTP JavaScript Password Decoder
outline:none to affect IE5/Mac focus outline
1 webmention
How font-size accumulates
1 webmention
Only submit if at least one checkbox is checked
How to Encode URLs / An ASCII to URLEncoded JavaScript
1 webmention
Preventing Browser Cache
2 webmentions
ASP Hello World Script
1 webmention
Random HTML Tips
1 webmention
Checkbox Validator
1 webmention
Why not to use blur() to make dotted lines go away in MSIE for Windows
1 webmention
HTML 2.0 - An exploration!
How to make .php files masquerade as .php3
1 webmention
onunload + window.open = evil
1 webmention
Reverse a string, but only the digits
Setting Dropdown Focus
Random Content
Modify The Box (dhtml experiment, 2001)
1 webmention
How to Make a file with every file on a C:\ drive (Windows)
Random String in SQL
How can I change every link on a page to something new?
Mouseover Vote Thing JavaScript
How to implement a Forward and Back Buttons
1 webmention
Change document background color
RealMedia Plugin Detection
Ancient HTML Tidy Tutorial
1 webmention
Multiple, Hierarchical SelectBoxes
onMouseover in a TR tag
2 webmentions
Several Approaches to Do Image Borders of Different Colors: 1999
Slideshows Roughly How We did them in 1999
Mouseover Vote Thing x 100
Java Tags 1999
2 webmentions
Netscape/Macintosh Changing Form Button or Submit Input Value Fails
Hide Comment Count
Theme Color
Theme Color Modifier
Reset Theme
Created in February 2006. For no good reason.
Gettysburg Address in HTML Buttons!